Magical adventures in nerdery.

04 October 2013

Sending SMS using EirText & AppleScript=

I received an interesting support request recently regarding sending SMS via EirText using AppleScript. After mucking around with it for a few mins, it's actually quite easy to do:

For most accounts, the following will work:

do shell script "/Applications/ -u086XXXXXXX -n -r 086XXXXXXX -m "Message goes here.""

If you're using an account which has spaces or unusual characters in the name (e.g. " (New Webtext)" is a tricky one), then you will need to double-escape those characters, as follows:

do shell script "/Applications/ -u083XXXXXXX -n (New Webtext) -r 083XXXXXXX -m "Messagegoes here.""

If you're scripting EirText in any cool or unusual ways, do let me know— I'd love to hear about it!

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